RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor submitted the criminal case regarding the person accused of a false denunciation to the court


On September 10, 2024, the Prosecutor confirmed the indictment under the criminal proceedings related to the false denunciation by the resident of Aragatsotn Region and submitted the materials to the competent court.


In the course of the criminal proceedings, it was found that S.N. gave false information to the law enforcement authorities as if he approached a high-level official in one of the settlements of Aragatsotn region, complained about the quality of the asphalting and hospital repair works in another settlement, after which on 13 July, 2024, around 08:30 in the morning, 2 masked persons stopped the car he was driving, covered his head with a sack, put him in their car and took to a dilapidated building, telling him: “Who told you to approach, you have a house, you have a family and you can lose it” Then, again covering his head with a sack, they took him to another area and left there.


It was found that S.N., wishing to obtain asylum in a European country as a person subjected to political persecution, decided to invite a journalist and make a public complaint about the construction works carried out in the settlement of Aragatsotn region. Having learned about the visit of a high-level official to Aragatsotn Region, he approached the above-mentioned official in one of the settlements of the Region and complained about the quality of the works done in the settlement. In order to achieve his goal and by creating artificial evidences, on July 13, 2024, around 08:15 in the morning, he left his home and drove to the Artik community in his personal car. On the way, in the middle of Geghadzor-Hnaberd settlements, he parked his car on the side of the road, left his personal belongings, including his mobile phone, in the car and went to Artik community in a random car. S.N. booked a room in one of Artik's hotels, stayed in the hotel until 8:30 P.M., then checking out of the room, returned to Aragatsotn Region in another car, presented himself to the competent authority and gave false information about a serious crime committed by a group of people — kidnapping him.


On August 8, 2024, the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against S.N., according to points 3 and 4 of part 2 of article 476 of the Criminal Code (false denunciation, accompanied by accusation of a person in a grave or particularly grave crime; or by creating artificial evidences of charge).


S.N. pleaded himself guilty and gave confessions.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.