RA Prosecutor’s Office


Damage in the amount of AMD 224 million 641 thousand was recovered due to the application of a prosecutorial act


On July 25, 2023 a criminal proceedings was initiated under point 2 of part 3 of article 290 of the Criminal Code on the basis of the report that LL Company engaged in the construction of a complex of multi-functional, multi-apartment buildings failed to pay taxes in particularly large amount.


On March 22, 2024, the body conducting the proceedings come to conclusion that the actual director of the company R.K. (the accused) paid the taxes in the amount of AMD 206 million 659 thousand, which he failed to pay before, and there are grounds for terminating the public criminal prosecution initiated against the latter thus submitted a motion to the supervising prosecutor on terminating the public criminal prosecution initiated against the accused.


On March 26, 2024 the supervising prosecutor rejected the submitted motion and gave assignment to the investigator on conducting several procedural activities.


As a result of procedural activities carried out on the basis of the assignment of the prosecutor  additional tax obligation in the amount of AMD 224 million 641 thousand was calculated in the company, that is the total tax obligation amounted to AMD 431 million 300 thousand.


As a result R.K. completely compensated the tax in the amount of AMD 224 million 641 thousand, thus recovering the damage amounting to AMD 431 million 300 thousand caused to the state.


On July 15, 2024 the supervising prosecutor rendered a decision on terminating the public criminal prosecution against R.K. on non-acquittal ground.