RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor’s Office is intolerant of the corruption as it shall result in the robbery of means allocated to you: Anna Vardapetyan met the students of three settlements of Areni community


On July 6, 2024, Anna Vardapetyan, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia visited Khachik settlement of Areni community and met about 30 students of the community by the invitation of Kolya Mikaelyan, Regional governor of Vayots Dzor region.


The meeting took place in the House of Culture of Khachik settlement, where educational and cultural program “Sun is up” is implemented. In the scope of the program there are pottery, carpet, needlework and singing studios, which are operating free of charge.


The Prosecutor General and the Governor had a tour in the Center, where Shushan Hayrapetyan, Cultural manager represented the activity of the Center and the handiworks of the participants of cultural program, as well as the projects aimed at the development of the Center.


During the meeting in question and answer format the students asked questions regarding the professional orientation and fight against corruption. Referring to the intolerance of the Prosecutor’s Office of the corruption the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia stated, “Corruption is not only bribe, favoritism is also a form of corruption. Corruption crimes are accompanied by various financial criminal schemes aimed at legitimizing illicit funds. After all, corruption is a phenomenon which takes the funds that must be used for your education, your welfare. Those funds are appropriated by different corruption schemes. The primary obligation of the Prosecutor’s Office is the prevention of corruption and in case we failed to prevent it—punish for corruption and punish very strictly”.


Ani Ghazaryan organized a pottery master class after the question and answer session.


The students invited Anna Vardapetyan to have a tour in their village during which they told the story of their village.