RA Prosecutor’s Office


Two land plots with the surface of 1ha, returned by the Prosecutor General’s Office were attached to the State Property Management Committee


During today’s Government session the decision of the Government on attaching two land plots with the total surface of 1 ha adjacent to Aghavnadzor settlement of Kotayk region to the State Property Management Committee of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure was approved.


The Prosecutor General’s Office has already informed that the statement of claim, submitted by the Department of the State Interests Protection was awarded by the judgment of the Anti-corruption court dated February 9, 2024: the ownership right of the Republic of Armenia over the land plot with the total surface of 1 ha adjacent to Aghavnadzor settlement of Kotayk region was restored (recognized).


Based on the decision the land plots having “Specially protected area” intended purpose and about AMD 18.5 million cadastral value  (approximated to the market value thereof) were issued the following addresses— 27 and 28 Aghavnu Aghbyur district, Aghavnadzor village, Tsaghkadzor community, Kotayk region and the ownership right of the Republic of Armenia was registered.


The Prosecutor General’s Office submitted 14 statements of claims regarding the land plots of forestry fund, falling out of the administrative borders of communities of Kotayk region, in the scope of which the auctions of land plots with the total surface of 465 thousand 770 m2 were contested.  


Under 8 claims of the Prosecutor’s Office, judgments were rendered in favor of the state: 3 judgments entered into legal force and the ownership right of the Republic of Armenia over the land plot with the surface of 55 thousand 197m2 was registered.