RA Prosecutor’s Office


As a result of prosecutorial action the subsoil use right of the company engaged in the extraction of mineral resources in violation of the law was terminated


On October 20, 2023 the Prosecutor General’s Office informed that the prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against directors of three companies engaged in the extraction of mineral resources in Ararat marz.


Arev Syuzi LL company was the one that was engaged in the extraction of mineral resources in violation of the law, caused a property damage to the state in the amount of AMD 1 million 359 thousand, and changed the streambed of Araks river.


Under the criminal proceedings it was found out that from December 21, 2020 until August 30, 2022, without a right to extract minerals outside the limits prescribed by the licence deviated from the coordinates issued to the company and extracted a rock mass with the volume of 2748 cubic meters, which was the ownership of the state, thus violating the streambed of Araks river. At the same time K.H. failed to pay AMD 5 million penalty to the state by using the subsoil without a license.


On October 20, 2023 the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against K.H.


During the preliminary examination the Director of the Company recovered the damage in the amount of AMD 1 million 359 thousand. The latter also paid the fine in the amount of AMD 5 million.


On November 16 of the same year the Prosecutor signed the indictment regarding K.H., and together with the materials of the case submitted to the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor marz.


By the decision of the Court dated December 20, 2023, the Director of the Company was found guilty in the abovementioned act and a penalty in the amount of AMD 2 million 720 thousand was imposed on him as a punishment.  


In 2023 the Prosecutor’s Office of Ararat marz submitted a written motion to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure on terminating the permit for extraction of mineral resources issued to Arev Syuzi LLC.


Pursuant to the order of the Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure the subsoil use right of Arev Syuzi LLC was terminated, permit SHATV-29/306 as well as act LV-306 of mountain specialization was repealed and subsoil use contract PV-306 concluded for extraction of mineral resources was also terminated.