RA Prosecutor’s Office


No motion on Setrakov’s extradition was received, discussed or awarded by the Prosecutor’s office


No motion on the arrest, detention or transfer (extradition) of Dmitriy Setrakov to the competent authorities of the Russian Federation was received, discussed or awarded by the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Armenia.


There is no information available in the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Armenia on the fact that Dmitriy Setrakov is wanted by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation as well as on the fact that the latter was found in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.


As we have informed earlier, the application of lawyer Artur Sakunts, regarding Setrakov, was submitted to the body carrying out operational intelligence actions, for the purpose of checking the information contained therein, after which the issue of initiation of the proceedings shall be discussed.