RA Prosecutor’s Office


According to the order of the Prosecutor General disciplinary penalty in the form of “reprimand” was applied against two prosecutors


Based on the decision of Anna Vardapetyan, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia dated November 16, 2023 a disciplinary penalty was initiated against two prosecutors of the Yerevan Garrison Military Prosecutor’s Office.  


In the scope of the proceedings it was confirmed that the prosecutors performed their official duties improperly thus violating the requirements of part 2 of article 35 (The prosecutor shall be responsible for legitimacy of initiation, not initiation or termination of criminal prosecution, legality of application of coercive measures by the public participants of the proceedings, identification of the circumstances necessary for pursuing public charges in the court or submitting a claim for protection of state interests as well as for legitimacy of appeal of the court act) and  point 1 of part 1 of article 38 of the Criminal procedure Code (supervises the fulfillment of legislative requirements on accepting and recording of reports on the alleged criminal acts), as well as  point 2 of part 1 of article 48 of the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office (comply with the requirements of the Constitution, laws and other legal acts).


On December 12, 2023, the results of the disciplinary proceedings were submitted to the Ethics Commission under the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia.


By the decision of the Ethics commission dated December 14, 2023, both the existence of disciplinary violation and the guilt of the prosecutors were confirmed.


By the orders of the Prosecutor General of December 15, 2023, a disciplinary penalty in the form of “reprimand” was applied against two persons holding an autonomous position in the Yerevan Garrison Military Prosecutor’s Office.