RA Prosecutor’s Office


Another case of illegal extraction of sand was recorded in Ararat Marz. The prosecutor initiated a pubic criminal prosecution, the damage was recovered


On December 16, 2023 the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against A.A. director of El-AR Shin Company for the extraction of sand from the land plot located at 3 Sipanik settlement, Masis community (belonging to the state) without the subsoil management permission.


Under the criminal proceedings initiated on the basis of the report submitted by the criminal investigator of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Masis Division of Ararat Regional Department it was found out that from December 1, 2023 until December 14, A.A. being the Director of El-AR Shin Company, extracted a mineral—sand in the volume of 350m3 (belonging to the state) from the land plot located at 3 Sipanik settlement, Masis community, with the help of S.M., L.P., Z.S. and application of special technique, without any permission or license.  A.A. sold the extracted sand to different individuals 1m3 for AMD 9000 and in total for AMD 3 million 150 thousand, failing to pay the state duty in the amount of more than AMD 5 million.


As a result of the abovementioned actions, a property damage in the amount of AMD 5 million 500 thousand had been caused to the state.


On December 16, 2023 El-Ar Shin LLC recovered the damage in the amount of AMD 5 million 500 thousand caused to the state.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.