RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against G.K. for money laundering


In 2011 G.K. and her businessman husband S.M. legalized a particularly large amount of money of criminal origin.


Under the criminal proceedings examined in the Anti-corruption committee it was revealed that on December 5, 2002 G.K. and S.M. founded “Local Developers” LLC. 50% of company’s shares were registered under G.K.’s name and the other 50% under S.M.’s name.


 In October 25, 2004 S.M. and G.K. obtained 100% shares of “Progress Armenia” LLC established on February 15, 1995.


From 2004 until 2011, S.M. failed to pay AMD 8 billion tax to the state budget due to the false data submitted to the tax authorities regarding business activity related to building and selling multi-apartment building at the following addresses—3 Bayron Str., 8 Abovyan Str., 38/1 Pushkin Str., 3 and 5 North Avenue under the name of “Progress Armenia” LLC and “Local Developers” LLC.


For the purpose of hiding the criminal origin of the abovementioned AMD 8 billion, S.M. and G.K., invested Euro 760 thousand equal to AMD 378 million 176 thousand in “Areg LLC ” established in the Slovak Republic and belonging to them. «LEXUS ES300H» with the market value of 50-80 thousand euro and 17 immovable properties were obtained in the Slovak Republic under the company’s name.


 On October 10, 2023, the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against G.K. under point 1 of part 3 of article 190 of the Criminal Code adopted on18.04.2003.


 Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.