RA Prosecutor’s Office


The land plot located at Movses Khorenatsi Str. was alienated with the violation of law: a criminal proceedings was initiated on the basis of the prosecutor’s report


In the scope of the powers of initiating a claim on state (community) interest protection the Prosecutor’s Office of Yerevan city examined the cadastral case of the land plot located at the intersection of Movses Khorenatsi Street and the first blind allay of the same street.


It was found out by the examination that the officials of the Municipality of the city of Yerevan violated the requirements of subpoint 4 of point 1 of article 66 of the Land Code and a land plot with the surface of 2707 square meters was provided to “Byurakn” LLC for the purpose of building hotel on the intersection of M. Khorenatsi Str. and 1st blind allay of the same street. “Byurakn” LLC didn’t build a hotel, however on October 27, 2006 the abovementioned land plot was alienated to the mentioned company through direct sale. 


The Officials of the Municipality of Yerevan city failed to take measures to terminate the rights of the developer over the land plot after the end of the term of construction permission as a result whereof essential damage was caused to the lawful interests of the state (community).    


Taking into consideration the fact that during the examination cases of alleged crimes committed by the officials of the Municipality of the city of Yerevan were found, the prosecutor submitted a report on the crime to the Anti-corruption committee.


On October 4, 2023 the Anti-corruption committee initiated a criminal proceedings under part 1 of article 308 and part 1 of article 315 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.