RA Prosecutor’s Office


A lien was placed on the land plot belonging to the daughter of the former national assembly member: the cassation appeal submitted by the RA Deputy Prosecutor General was granted


On September 4, 2023, the Anti-corruption chamber of the Court of Cassation completely granted the appeal of the Deputy Prosecutor General placing a lien on the land plot with the surface of 6452 m2 located at 44/2 T. Petrosyan Str., Davtashen administrative district, which was alienated to A.G.(former RA National Assembly member R.G.’s daughter,) in violation of law.  


We would like to remind that the investigator made a decision on placing a lien on the abovementioned territory on June 24, 2020. On October 13, 2020, the representative of A.G. submitted an appeal against the decision of the Investigator to the Court of General Jurisdiction of the city of Yerevan which was rejected, however the appeal submitted to the Criminal Court of Appeal was granted by the decision of January 12, 2021. As a result, the Criminal Court of Appeal overturned the decision of the First Instance Court at the same time obliging the body conducting the proceedings to eliminate the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of A.G.


A cassation appeal was submitted by the RA Deputy Prosecutor General against the decision of the Criminal Court of Appeal of February 22, 2021, which was granted on September 4, 2023.


The abovementioned decision of the Court of Cassation was submitted to the body conducting the proceedings for the purpose of ensuring the fulfillment of the requirements of decision.


We would like to remind that in the scope of the powers of initiating a claim on state (community) interest protection the Prosecutor General’s Office submitted three claims disputing the process of alienation of the land plot from the territory occupied by “Ribok” sport complex to a natural person (at the moment of the state registration of the ownership right the mentioned territory was a park, which was included in the list of the land plots not subject to alienation defined by Article 60 of the Land Code).