RA Prosecutor’s Office


The property located at 4 Pushkin Str., was alienated to “Local Developers” Company: a criminal proceedings was initiated on the basis of the examination carried out by the Prosecutor’s office


On December 27, 2012 the building located at 2 Pushkin Str., and belonging to the community was alienated to “Local developers” company through direct sale and without a competition.


In the scope of the function of initiating claim on state interest protection in the Prosecutor’s office of Kentron and Nork Marash Administrative Districts of Yerevan city, the process of alienation of the building located at 2 Pushkin Str. was examined.


By the examination it was found out that under the decision of the Government of October 19, 2006, the building located at 2 Pushkin Str. was provided to the “Staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations” State Administrative Institution under the right of gratuitous use.


Under the same decision of the Government the territory was obtained by “Local developers” company, 50 % of shares of which belonged to the businessman S.M. and the other 50 % belonged to his wife G.K., the former rector of YSMU.


Pursuant to the alienation agreement the “Local developers” LLC supposed to finance the design and estimate documentation of the new model building of the Rescue Service located at the Miasnikyan Ave., city of Yerevan as well as technical supervision works of the building.


By the examination carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office it was found out that they failed to carry out the alienation of the territory belonging to the community pursuant to the procedure established by law, equivalent compensation was not given for the alienated property. As a result damage in particularly large amounts was caused to Kentron community.


The property belonging to the community and alienated on the basis of being recognized as an overriding public interest is still unchanged. The alienation process was violated.


Based on the factual data obtained as a result of the examination, the Prosecutor’s office of Kentron and Nork Marash Administrative Districts of Yerevan city submitted a report to the Anti-Corruption Committee on May 24, 2023, to solve the issue of initiating a criminal proceedings. 


On May 25, 2023 a criminal proceedings was initiated in the Anti-Corruption Committee under part 2 of article 308 and part 2 of article 315 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


The Prosecutor’s office of Kentron and Nork Marash Administrative Districts of Yerevan city in the scope of the powers of initiating claim on state (community) interest protection, a claim will be submitted to the Administrative court for returning the territory owned by the community to the community.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.