RA Prosecutor’s Office


The land parcel was returned to the Kasakh community of Kotayk region. The court's decision on granting the claim regarding state interests protection, submitted by the Prosecutor General 's Office, entered into legal force


On February 20, 2024, the claim submitted by the Department of State Interests Protection of the Prosecutor General’s Office, was granted by the decision of the Anti-Corruption Court and the land parcel located at 13, E. Charents 4th street was returned to the Nairi (Kasakh) community of Kotayk region.

The Department of State Interests Protection of the Prosecutor General's Office demanded from the court to declare invalid the auction organized by the Head of Kasakh village on July 30, 2012, regarding the alienation of the land parcel with an area of ​​0.0801 ha, located at 13, E.Charents 4th street, Kasakh community, Kotayk region. In particular, it was demanded to declare invalid the decision of the Community Head on signing a contract with the citizen who had won the auction for the above-mentioned land parcel, as well as the land purchase and sale contract and accordingly the state registration of the citizen's right to the real estate.


According to the Anti-Corruption Court’s decesion of February 20, 2024, the requirements of the claim submitted by the State Interests Protection Department of the Prosecutor General's Office were granted. The land parcel located at 13, E. Charents 4th street of Nairi (Kasakh) community, Kotayk region was returned to the community.


The judgment entered into force on March 21, 2024.