RA Prosecutor’s Office


Possible return to the Republic of Armenia of the amount received from the sale of the confiscated private house in the USA belonging to Gagik Khachatryan’s sons: discussions are pending between the competent authorities of the USA and the Prosecutor General’s Office


Due to the effective cooperation between the Prosecutor General’s Office and competent authorities of the USA, based on the decision of the competent court of the USA, private house located in Los Angeles, USA and belonging to the family of Gagik Khachatryan, former Minister of Finance of the Republic of Armenia, which is considered a property of a criminal origin, shall be confiscated and sold at the highest possible market value, in the scope of the criminal case initiated in Armenia.


Discussions are pending between the Prosecutor General’s Office and competent authorities of the USA on returning the majority of the amount received from the sale of the private house.


Let us remind that under the criminal case initiated in the Investigative Department of the RA NSS a public criminal prosecution (including charges regarding money laundering) is pending against Gurgen and Artyom Khachatryans, (the case regarding Artyom Khachatryan was submitted to the court and a search was declared against Gurgen Khachtryan), and the case regarding Gagik Khachatryan on abuse of official powers, appropriations in especially large amounts, assisting in money laundering and receiving bribe in especially large amounts is pending in the First Instance Criminal Court of General Jurisdiction of the city of Yerevan. 


A relevant judicial process was initiated by the competent authorities of the USA due to the cooperation between the Prosecutor General’s Office and competent authorities of the USA.


As a result, on June 14, 2024, Gurgen and Artyom Khachatryans submitted a claim to the District Court of the USA on reaching a settlement with regard to the confiscation of the property, which was accepted into the proceedings.


By the decision of the court dated June 30, 2024 the settlement agreement was approved.


Besides the criminal proceedings, in the scope of the claims on the confiscation of property of illicit origin pending at the Anti-corruption court, it is required to confiscate from Gagik Khachatryan, former Minister of Finance of the Republic of Armenia and 25 related persons, including his sons Gurgen and Artyom Khachatryans 210 immovable properties, 13 transportation means, 29 shares in the legal persons as well as more than 33 billion AMD.