RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor General’s Office requires to confiscate from the former Deputy of the National Assembly, former Minister of Nature Protection about AMD 20 billion as well as immovable and movable properties


On May 23 2024 the Anti-corruption court accepted into the proceedings another statement of claim of the Prosecutor General’s Office on the confiscation of property of illicit origin.


The Department of Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin of the Prosecutor General’s Office submitted a claim to the court on confiscating from Vardan Ayvazyan, former Deputy of the National Assembly, former Minister of Nature Protection and related persons the following:


  • 3 immovable properties;
  • 2 transportation means;
  • 8 shares in the legal persons, stocks and shares;
  • Amount of money equal to the average market value of 2 transportation means;
  • AMD 2 billion 632 million 342 thousand, which is not substantiated by the lawful income of the person, had an illicit origin and was transferred to the bona fide purchaser or could not be identified and confiscated;
  • AMD 18 billion 593 million 643 thousand as a remainder of an income received from the use of property of illicit origin;
  • Right to claim loans in the amount of AMD 101 million;