RA Prosecutor’s Office


Former officials of the National Institute of Measurement recovered the damage in the amount of AMD 51 million caused to the state


During 2010-2018, former officials of the National Institute of Metrology CJSC by prior agreement with a group of individuals registered 27 employees in different staff positions. Being informed that they failed to attend their workplace and fulfill their employment duties, the abovementioned individuals drew up, confirmed and certified work time log books and other documents constituting basis for the payment of salary, involving evidently false information therein on the attendance and fulfillment of employment duties. As a result an especially large amount of money was wrote off the state budget for those 27 individuals.


On August 11, 2020 a criminal case (proceedings) was initiated under point 1 of part 3 of article 179 and part 2 of article 325 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


On May 20, 2024 former officials of the National Institute of Metrology CJSC, including former directors Ye.Ch. and V.S. recovered the damage in the amount of AMD 51 million 227 thousand caused to the state.


The preliminary investigation is pending. 


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.