RA Prosecutor’s Office


The police lieutenant colonel rank granted to daughter of the former Head of the Police was recognized invalid: based on the letter of the RA Prosecutor General and decision of the court, the Minister of Internal Affairs recognized the order of 2018 invalid.


Based on the letter submitted by Anna Vardapetyan, Prosecutor General to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and based on the decision of the Anti-corruption court rendered on October 12, 2023, Vahe Ghazaryan, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia rendered a decision on invalidating the police lieutenant colonel rank granted to Y.G, daughter of former Head of the Police.


The Prosecutor General’s Office informed that on July 23, 2023 the prosecutor signed the indictment regarding Y.G., the daughter of V.G., the former Head of the Police and submitted it to the Anti-corruption court with the materials of the case.


During the preliminary stage of the investigation Y.G. recovered the damage, in the amount of 8 million 838 thousand caused to the state.


During the trial of the case, in the course of the preliminary hearing on October 12, 2023, the defense council of Y.G. submitted a motion on application of expedited proceedings.


 Y.G. joining the motion submitted by the defense counsel, announced that she agreed with the charge brought against her.


 During the expedited proceedings under the criminal case the defense council submitted a motion to the court on terminating the public criminal prosecution against Y.G. on the basis of the law “On declaring amnesty for criminal cases on the occasion of the 2800th anniversary of the establishment of Erebuni-Yerevan and 100th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the First Republic of Armenia,” adopted on 01.11.2018.


On October 12, 2023 the Court awarded the submitted motion on a non-acquittal ground –amnesty, the public criminal prosecution against Y.G. was terminated.


Let us remind that on November 30, 2022, the prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against Y.G under point 1 of part 3 of article 38-179 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


Under the criminal proceedings examined in the Anti-Corruption committee it was found out that during 2012-2018 Y.G., the daughter of V.G. the former Head of the Police assisted (providing means and removing obstacles) L.E holding the position of the Deputy Head of the Police, Commander of the Police troops, who used his official position for appropriation of the property in especially large amounts entrusted to him during 2015-2018.


Particularly V.G. holding the position of the Head of the Police during 2011-2018 according to his order № 490-A, dated March 7, 2015 appointed his daughter Y.G. to the position of the senior officer of the Operational division of Police troop’s headquarters. Afterwards, by the order (№ 225-A dated March 16, 2018) of L.E. Commander of the Police troops, Y.G. was appointed to the position of the Head of the Department of Works Carried out with the Personnel of the Police troops. By order № 23-A of March 16, 2018 of V.G. the rank of police lieutenant colonel was awarded to Y.G. and three days after that by order № 248-A of March 19, 2018 of L.E. Commander of the Police troops, Y.G. was again appointed to the position of the senior officer of the Operational division of Police troop’s headquarters. By order № 1388-A of May 10, 2018 of the Head of the Police Y.G. was dismissed from the service in the Police based on her reporting notice.


 After being appointed to the abovementioned position until the termination of the office Y.G. never provided services and never fulfilled her official duties.


L.E. Commander of the Police troops, being well aware that Y.G. failed to fulfill her obligations and failed to show up for the service from March 7, 2015 until May 10, 2018 failed to undertake measures and signed applications for monthly funding of police forces and submitted payment orders to the Ministry of Finance including in them data related to Y.G.


 As a result, during the abovementioned period, AMD 8 million 838 thousand was actually paid to Y.G. as a salary, rewards and vacation payments (Y.G. received and withdrew the amounts paid to her as a salary, rewards and vacation payments).