RA Prosecutor’s Office


The former Head of Erebuni community abused his official powers during the process of transferring “Vardavar” park for lease: the prosecutor submitted the case to the court


In 2009, the former Head of Erebuni community of Yerevan city, taking into consideration the fact that the director of LL Company is the friend of his adviser, the son of the former Deputy of the National Assembly, signed a lease agreement under the conditions favorable for the Company. 


Under the criminal proceedings examined in the Anti-corruption committee it was found out that the former Head of Erebuni community, disregarding the relevant articles of the Land Code and the relevant decision of the Government, pursuant whereof the right to lease and development of the land plots belonging to the community shall be provided through tender by public bidding, failed to form a tender commission. Instead, the former Head of Eerebuni community organized a meeting of the Council of Elders of the community and included the question of transferring the territory occupied by “Vardavar” park and the lake for lease to the LL Company in the agenda. 


The Council of Elders of the community, based on the suggestion of the Head of the community and stating the fact that “Vardavar” park needs serious investments and the municipality of Erebuni doesn’t have necessary financial means for current expenditures and investments and also the fact that the company previously ranting the territory didn’t carry out any renovation in the park, under the decision of May 29, 2009, the former decision of the Erebuni community regarding the lease of “Vardavar” park was recognized invalid and the territory occupied by the park and the lake was provided for rent for 99 years to an LLC belonging to a friend of the son of former deputy of the National Assambly and the rent payment was defined AMD 619 thousand 655.


The former Head of Erebuni community failed to inform the Council of Elders that the city of Lyon financed Erebuni community for the purpose of renovation of “Vardavar” park (at present “Lyon” park) pursuant to the cooperation agreement concluded between the Mayor of the city of Yerevan, Mayor of Lyon, and the president of the Lyon in 2008.


As a result, they failed to define the terms of the tender, the starting payment price, they also failed to organize an open tender and instead of the starting minimum annual rent payment—AMD 12 million 500 thousand, they defined an obviously low rent payment—AMD 619 thousand 655 for the “Vardavar” park (the renovation whereof started by the means provided by Lyon city).


On March 29, 2024 the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against the former Head of Erebuni community under part 2 of article 308 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


On April 10, 2024 the prosecutor signed the indictment and submitted to the Anti-corruption court with the materials of the case.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.