RA Prosecutor’s Office


The head of the company and commander of the squad ordered the staff to leave their combat positions during the attack: the prosecutor submitted the case to the court


V.G. contractual serviceman, head of the company of the rifle regiment of the RN MD N military unit and N.M. commander of the squad being on combat duty in the combat position of Gegharkunik region, violated the rules of implementation of combat position, failed to resist the attack of the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan against the Republic of Armenia on September 13, 2022.


In particular, on September 13, 2022, the latter ordered the subordinate staff to leave the combat positions, without the permission of the senior commander. V.G. and N.M. left the combat positions in a disorganized manner with their subordinate staff, which resulted in the disruption of the normal process of combat duty and the military positions were left without protection during the military operations.


On the same day, instead of the mentioned staff, new forces, soldiers of another subdivision of the mentioned military unit were involved in the implementation of the combat duty in the mentioned combat position.


On December 20, 2023 the prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against V.G. and N.M. under part 6 of Article 540 of the Criminal Code.


On April 8, 2024 the prosecutor signed the indictment regarding V.G. and N.M. and submitted to the competent court with the materials of the case.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.