RA Prosecutor’s Office


The former head of one of the communities of Ararat marz caused damage in the amount of AMD 116 million to the state and community: the damage was recovered on January 30, 2024


The former head of one of the communities of Ararat marz, abused his official powers, thus causing damage in the amount of AMD 116 million to the state and community.


Under the criminal proceedings it was found out, that the Commission on coordination of charitable programs of the Government, in 2010, donated a conveyor of an animal feed with a factory price of AMD 95 million received from the Hellenic Republic as a charity. The conveyor was registered with this price in the property balance of the community.


The Former Head of the community violated the requirements of the decision of the Commission on coordination of charitable programs dated July 23, 2010, regarding the following— the equipment shall not be used for the purpose of gaining profit and shall exceptionally serve the interests of the citizens of the community and gave the conveyor to the company operating in Aralez community, Ararat marz, which actually belonged to his brother, and the latter exploited the conveyor during 9 years for the production needs of the company.


In 2019 the former Head of the Community undertook a process of direct alienation of the property. A property belonging to the community and having a book value of AMD 95 million was evaluated AMD 19 million and under decision № 24-A of the Council of Elders of the community dated July 11, 2019, it was alienated through direct sale to a company belonging to his brother on July 26, 2019.


On March 22, 2022, the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against the former Head of the community under part 2 of article 308 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


 On June 30, 2024, the former Head of the community recovered the damage in the amount of AMD 116 million caused to the community and state.