RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor’s Office requires to confiscate 17 immovable properties and financial means from the former community head: the court accepted 97 statements of claim into the proceedings


On January 23, 2024 the Anti-corruption court accepted 97 statements of claim regarding the confiscation of illicit property into the proceedings. 


 The Department of Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin of the Prosecutor General’s Office submitted a claim to the court with the requirement to confiscate from the former Head of Ghazaravan community of Aragatsotn marz and related persons in favour of the Republic of Armenia, particularly;


  • 17 immovable properties
  • 2 transportation means
  • AMD 15 million 533 thousand, which was not substantiated by the lawful income of the person, had an illicit origin and was transferred to the bona fide purchaser or could not be identified and confiscated


About AMD 19 million as a balance of income remained after the alienation of property of illicit origin.