RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against 4 residents of Noratus settlement for committing hooliganism, using violence and interfering in the official activities of the employees of Sevan National Park SNCO and Water Patrol Service


On January 19, 2024 the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against 4 residents of Noratus settlement of Gegharkunik marz for committing robbery in especially large amount and hooliganism against the employees of Sevan National Park SNCO, using violence against the employees of Water Patrol Service and interfering in their official activities.


The public criminal prosecution was initiated on the basis of point 4 of part 3 of article 253, point 1 of part 2 of article 297 and point 2 of part 4 of article 452 of the Criminal Code.


Under the criminal proceedings it was found out that for the purpose of detecting and preventing cases of illegal hunting during the spawning period of coregonus in Lake Sevan a regular inspection by boat and motorboat was organized on December 19, 2023 according to the order of the director of Sevan National Park SNCO. The Shift was composed of 17 employees of Sevan National Park SNCO and 8 officers of patrol service of the Gegharkunik Marz battalion.


More than 100 residents and fisherman of Noratus settlement and adjacent settlements of Gegharkunik marz having learned about the inspection organized  for detecting and preventing cases of illegal hunting of coregonus during the spawning period in Lake Sevan, and the removal of fishing nets installed by them, gathered together and took with them different objects. On the same day at about 11:00 the abovementioned individuals surrounded the boat of the employees of Sevan National Park SNCO and the boats of the employees of Water Patrol Service of the Police demanding not to remove the fishing nets and not to hinder the fishing process.


Employees of Sevan National Park SNCO and Water Patrol Service told them not to interfere in their official activities.


The abovementioned individuals, including V.E., G.S., H.A. and S.A. after the refusal started to curse and utter obscenities. Afterwards they started to throw bottles filled with water and flammable liquids, sticks, iron objects and hammers, which they previously took with them, at the employees on the ship as well as at the employees of Water Patrol Service.


Some of the participants brought the motorboats closer to the motorboat tied to the boat of the employees of Sevan National Park SNCO, took the oars and damaged the motorboat with those oars and other objects, tearing off its engine and other mechanisms: one of the participants cut the rope holding the motorboat with a knife and stole it.


About 40 individuals participating in the hooliganism, including V.E., G.S., H.A., S.A. attacked the employees of SNOC and hit them with hands, feet, oars, sticks and other objects. As a result 5 employees received bodily injuries of different degrees.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.