RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Head of the Aygepat settlement of Ararat region sold the house of social life to his father-in-law at a price significantly lower than the market value of the building: the prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution


S.P. holding the position of the Head of Aygepat settlement of Artashat Community of Ararat region from 2005 until now, sold the building of the house of social life, included in the balance sheet of the community to his father-in-law at a price significantly lower than the market value of the building in 2012. Years later the latter sold that property to his daughter— S.P.’s wife through a formal sale and purchase agreement.


Under the criminal proceedings it was found out, that S.P., the Head of Aygepat settlement (powers are terminated) and R.M. the leading specialist of the Municipality included false data in the protocol of the sitting of the council of elders of July 14, 2012 on the fact that two members of the council of elders consented to the alienation of the dilapidated building of the house of social life (in fact the house of social life was restored during 2008-2010).


Based on the false protocol, the building of the house of social life was put up at auction—the starting price for the alienation of the building with the market value of AMD 7 million 210 thousand was defined AMD 2 million 570 thousand.


R.Kh., S.P.’s father-in-law participated and won the auction. Before the auction, the mentioned territory was provided for lease for the term of 15 years and the monthly price amounted to AMD 10 thousand. After the sale the lease payment was paid to the head of the community.


On March 13, 2018, R. Kh. sold the abovementioned property to his daughter, S.P’s wife through a formal sale and purchase agreement for AMD 3 million.


On December 18, 2023 the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against S.P., the Head of Aygepat settlement under point 3 of part 3 of article 256, part 1 of article 445 of the Criminal Code, as well as under article 196 and point 1 of part 3 of article 190 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


Public criminal prosecution was initiated against the former members of the council of elders for official forgery and assistance to the appropriation of the entrusted property and also against R.Kh. the father-in-law of the community head for the appropriation of the entrusted property, malicious violation of the public bidding procedure and assistance to the money laundering.


By the decision of the Anti-corruption court, an attachment was put on the house of social life located (having illegal origin) at Aygepat community.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.