RA Prosecutor’s Office


The companies extracting minerals in violation of law have recovered the damage caused to the state: the prosecutor submitted the case to the court


On October 20, 2023 the Prosecutor General’s Office received an information that public criminal prosecutions were initiated against the directors of three companies extracting minerals in Ararat region for violation of the legislative requirements  of subsoil use and conservation, for spoiling the land as a result whereof an essential amount of property damage (other damages as well) was caused to the state.


On October 31, 2023 the prosecutor signed the indictment regarding S.GH., director of “Sargis and Pap” LLC and S.A., director of “Sertig” LLC and submitted it to the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Ararat and Vayots Dzor regions. 


On November 2 and 3, 2023, S.Gh. and S.A. recovered the damage caused to the state due to the activity of the company before the preliminary hearings. Particularly “Sargis and Pap” LLC recovered the damage in the amout of AMD 5 million 126 thousand (S.Gh. also paid the penalty in the amount of AMD 5 million) and “Sertig” LLC recovered the damage in the amount of AMD 4 million 892 thousand (S.A. also paid the penalty in the amount of AMD 5 million).


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.