RA Prosecutor’s Office


Investigative and judicial actions carried out during 2022-2023 regarding the case of October 27


A number of persons were interrogated during 2022-2023 under the case (proceedings) of terrorist act committed by Nairi Hunanyan and others on October 27, 1999 in order to find out to other possible participants in the criminal acts, other officials who had an opportunity and duty to prevent them, and the persons related to the weapons and munitions used.


Based on the decisions made by the body implementing the proceedings, personal files of many officials were seized, as well as files of criminal proceedings regarding the case, which are under examination.


During the preliminary investigation, many videos and audio recordings relevant to the case were seized, examinations were assigned, which are in the stage of execution.


Applications and their attached documents were received, the applicants were interrogated, and the submitted documents were examined.


Based on the factual data obtained during the preliminary investigation, a number of investigative hypotheses were put forward in order to find out the full circumstances of the case, and an investigation plan was drawn up to verify them.


In order to find out the circumstances of the terrorist act that took place in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on October 27, 1999, as well as to ensure a comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the case, procedural and evidentiary actions are being carried out.