On October 17, 2023 the prosecutor signed the indictment regarding the command officers of № army corpus, military unit and troop on failing to prevent the invasion of the enemy into the autonomous territory of the Republic of Armenia due to the violation of combat duty rules and submitted it to the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Syunik region together with the materials of the proceedings.
Let us remind that V.G., holding the position of the Command Officer of № army corpus of the RA MD permitted A.M., the Command Officer of the military unit to participate in the discussions with the enemy on November 14, 2021 at 08:30. Afterwards A. M. reported that the enemy was waiting for the clear response regarding the opening of the road after which he gave the personnel an order deviating from the duties of combat duty.
A.M. the command officer of MD N military unit performing a combat duty in the mentioned frontier, instead of giving an order on ending negotiations and preventing the advancement of the enemy through the fight, went with the officers of the enemy to the frontier occupied by the soldiers of the consolidated troop of RA MD N military unit and G.I., his deputy gave an order to the soldiers of his troop to stand in the firing position, to fire a warning shot, to prevent the advancement of the enemy and not to permit the invasion of the enemy into the territory of the Republic of Armenia, as a result whereof the latter and all the other solders were blockaded.
M.P., A.T., G.I., the command officers of the consolidated troop were exposed to the psychological pressure of the enemy and instead of acting pursuant to the order, without any resistance or permission of the superior officers left the frontier and they were blockaded with the command officer of the military unit.
As a result the enemy invaded the autonomous territory of Armenia without any resistance and took several combat positions under their control.
On October 6, 2023 the prosecutor decided to change the public criminal prosecutions against V.G., A.M., M.P. and A.T. and to initiate a new public criminal prosecution against the abovementioned persons under part 3 of point 365 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.
Notice: A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.