RA Prosecutor’s Office


Two cases of illegal sale of drugs via “Telegram” application and money laundering of more than 1 billion obtained as a result of the sale were revealed


During 2019-2020, I.M., having a prior agreement with Kh.F. and other persons, sold drugs via different pages of “Telegram” application, thus they were engaged in the illegal circulation of drugs.


Since spring 2020 I.M. has created and managed “Tam Vegal”, “Tam Vegal_EVN” և “Tam VegalShop_EVN” online shops in “Telegram” application and information on different digital wallets opened under the names of different persons, however managed by the latter, was provided as a payment method.


As a result from 2020 until 2022 I.M. sold different types of drugs through the mentioned online shops and for the purpose of hiding the criminal origin of the income in the amount of AMD 75 million 881 thousand 441 transferred it to digital wallets registered both in the Republic of Armenia and beyond its territory, under the names of different persons. 


Afterwards the abovementioned amount was transferred to the digital wallet belonging to I.M..


 On October 11, 2023 the Prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against I.M. under point 2 of part 3 of article 393 and point 3 of part 3 of article 296 of the Criminal Code.


  • D.K. wanted since 2012 created and led a criminal organization in 2019 engaged in the illegal drug trafficking and money laundering. H.L., G.G., A.O., A.M., D.M., N.T and many others were members of the abovementioned organization.


D.K. with “David Van Hoktemberyan” nickname on Telegram created and managed “Kanachu Shuka” platform and many other platforms with similar names the purpose whereof was illegal sale of drugs. Due to the sale of drugs D.K. received AMD 1 billion 83 million 619 thousand equal to USD 2 million 241 thousand 754 and for the purpose of hiding the illicit origin of the mentioned amount  the later circulated and withdrew the amount through different crypto currency wallets and payment methods. 


By the decisions of the prosecutor dated October 12,13, 2023 a public criminal prosecution was initiated against F.K., leader of the criminal organization and 6 participants under part 1 of article 318, part 1 of article 319, points 1 and 2 of part 3 of article 393, points 1 and 3 of part 3 of article 296 of the Criminal Code.


Based on the decisions of the prosecutor a public criminal prosecution was initiated against 5 persons engaged in the illegal drug trafficking via the abovementioned platforms.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.