RA Prosecutor’s Office


Being an authorized person in the field of foreign adoptions, the former Head of the CSARA agency abused his official powers. The Prosecutor initiated public criminal prosecution


A.S. holding the position of the Head of the Civil Status Acts Registration Agency of the Ministry of Justice from September 26, 2013 to April 29, 2017, deliberately did not fulfill his official duties, causing significant damage to the legitimate interests of the state.


In particular, A.S., being aware about the activities of foreign organizations in the territory of the Republic of Armenia in violation of the Convention on “Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption” (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”), being responsible for preventing the receipt of financial or other benefits from adoption, did not carry out any control. As a result, the organizations operating in the sector continued to operate in the Republic of Armenia without anny permission and passing the appropriate procedure. A.S. deliberately did not take measures to fulfill the obligations set forth in Article 8 of the Convention.  


As a result, A.G., who was engaged in organizing adoptions by foreigners and was in a close friendship with A.S., not only received an unjustified financial benefit, but also received separate compensation for carrying out the adoption process for each child, which is contrary to the Convention; for the adoption of each child, an amount clearly higher than the amount required for the necessary expenses defined by RA legislation was transferred to A.G.


On October 16, 2023, the Prosecutor initiated public criminal prosecution against A.S. under Part 2 of Article 308 of the Criminal Code adopted on April 18, 2003 (abuse of official powers that caused grave consequences) (10 counts).


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.