RA Prosecutor’s Office


The former head of Lernapat community transferred the land plot belonging to the community to himself with the annual rental fee of AMD 912 and afterwards transferred for lease for AMD 480 thousand: the prosecutor submitted the case to the court


During 2007-2012, V.Ye., the former head of Lernapat community of Lori region, ex officio, being informed that the telecommunication operator shall install and operate an  aerial station in the land plot constituting an ownership of the community, organized a formal tender for granting a lease right. V.Ye., declared himself as the  winner of the tender and on September 25, 2007 concluded an contract with himself on the lease of the land plot for carrying out agricultural activities for the term of 25 years with the annual rental fee of AMD 912.


After concluding the agreement, V.Ye transferred the territory with the surface of 0.2 ha from the abovementioned land plot to “Gh-Telekom” CJSC with a rental fee of AMD 480 thousand. As a result, the latter received AMD 2 million 317 thousand from the abovementioned organization during 2007-2010.


Besides that, based on the contract concluded with “Karaberd” LLC on June 17, 2005, V. Ye. transferred the land plot with the surface of 38.0219 ha constituting a community ownership to “Karaberd” LLC for the term of 25 years with the annual rental fee of AMD 467 thousand 970. On July 7, 2005 “Karaberd”LLC subrented the territory with the surface of 0.02 ha from the same land plot to “Gh-Telecom” CJSC, and afterwards to “Armentel” CJSC with the annual rental fee of AMD 600 thousand. As a result, the latter received AMD 2 million 317 thousand from the abovementioned organization during 2005-2012.


On January 24, 2023, the investigator of Regional Investigative Department of Lori rendered a decision on suspending the criminal proceedings, which was approved by the supervising prosecutor.


On April 14, 2023 Deputy Prosecutor General overturned the decision on not initiating a public criminal prosecution against the former head of Lernapat community and on terminating the proceedings. 


On August 12, 2023 the prosecutor initiated a public criminal prosecution against V. Ye. under part 1 and 2 of article 308 of the Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.


On September 1, 2023, the prosecutor signed the indictment and submitted it to the First Instance Court of General Jurisdictoion of Lori region with the materials of the criminal proceedings.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.