RA Prosecutor’s Office


Military prosecutor visited MD military training unit


Today, Grigor Elizbaryan, Military Prosecutor of the Republic of Armenia, Deputy Prosecutor General, visited military training unit of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia.


The Military Prosecutor, accompanied by Gor Nikoyan, Major General, Head of Missile troops and artillery-Head of the Department of the RA AF and Ashot Sargsyan, Colonel, commander of the military unit, walked around the territory of the military unit, got acuiainted with the building conditions and training processes, the quality of the supplied food, talked with the new recruits and listened to the issues raised by the latter.


For problem solving purposes Grigor Elizbaryan gave relevant instructions and assured that the process directed at the protection of new recruits’ rights  remains under the supervision of the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Armenia.


During the tour the structure and function of the military unit, as well as issues related to the educational process and military service of the servicemen  were presented.