RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Prosecutor's Office initiated 9 lawsuits for the protection of state interests, with the demand for confiscation of 128 million 463 thousand AMD: the results of the 1st semester of 2023 have been summarized


During the 1st semester of 2023, the Department of State Interests Protection of the Prosecutor General's Office initiated 9 lawsuits for the protection of state interests under civil proceedings with the demand for confiscation of 128 million 463 thousand AMD.


144 lawsuits have been filed under administrative procedure with the request to void or annul the acts of administrative bodies in violation of state and community interests, to eliminate consequences thereof.


According to the results of the examinations, 34 reports about the crime were submitted to the investigative bodies of the Republic of Armenia, with total damage of over 10 billion 44 million 521 thousand AMD caused thereby.