RA Prosecutor’s Office


Charges were brought against the former director of the Nuclear Power Plant for the appropriation of USD 1 027 000


During 2002-2014 G.M., General Director of Armenian Nuclear Power Plant CJSC appropriated USD 1 027 470,9 (a particularly large amount) through misapplication of funds entrusted to him.


Sufficient facts were obtained in the Investigative Department of the National Security Service related to the abuse of official powers by G.M. The latter bought a non-complete set with 14 intermediate metal conduit with a value incomparably more expansive than its market value (RUB 33 544 438,20) from the RF NovEnergoProm JSC, the only participant of the 2011 competition without receiving price offers from other companies and in the absence of a purchase request of the relevant spare part. Due to the fact that those spare parts were not necessary, they were not used and were kept in the central warehouse for a long time, thus the expiration date of their use passed.


In 2015 Armenian Nuclear Power Plant CJSC was obliged to buy from Rusatom Service Joint Stock Company a complete set—37 intermediate metal conduit for USD 592 000.


On December 22, 2022, the prosecutor made a decision on initiating a public criminal prosecution against G.M. based on point 3 of part 3 of article 256 of the RA Criminal Code. The decision was submitted to the Investigative Department of the National Security Service on the same day for the purpose of bringing charges.


On June 31, 2023 charges were brought against G.M.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.