RA Prosecutor’s Office


Criminal proceedings was initiated against the former Deputy Chief of Armed Forces General Staff of the RA


H.B., taking the positions of Deputy Chief of Armed Forces General Staff and CSTO Deputy Head of the United Staff from 2014 to 2020 December, having duty to present declaration, has added reasonably baseless property to his personal balance, that is, monetary means exceeding his legal incomes in the reporting period. H.B. has also hidden the data to be declared, not making relevant notes in the declarations presented by him.


The facts of committing assumed offences by H. B. have been obtained at the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee in the framework of investigated criminal proceedings based on the recommendation made by the prosecutor at the result of initiated investigative and other proceedings actions.


On January 13, 2023, criminal proceedings has been initiated by the body carrying out preliminary examination in the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee in accordance with the Part 2 of Article 314.3 and Part 3 of Article 310.1 of the Criminal Code of RA adopted on 18.04.2003 /getting rich illegally, hiding the information to be subject to declaration/ under Article 443, Part 1 and Article 444, Part 2 of the existing Criminal Code.


Notification: A person accused of a crime shall be considered innocent until his or her guilt is  proven in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code by a court verdict which has legally entered into force.