RA Prosecutor’s Office


The person accused of illegal drug trafficking and money laundering has been detained


B.A., а resident of Yerevan, together with two other persons, created a criminal organization in 2020 for the purpose of narcotic drugs sales. The members of the criminal organization received particularly large quantities of various types of narcotic drugs mainly from the Islamic Republic of Iran. One part of the narcotics was transported abroad through the territory of Armenia, the other part was sold in the Republic of Armenia.


For the purpose to hide the criminal origin of the funds acquired from the sales of drugs, they transferred the money to e-wallets and crypto-currency accounts registered in the names of different persons.


The supervising prosecutor initiated public criminal prosecution against B.A. (Article 318(1), Article 393(3)(1,2) Article 296(3)(1,3)).


Detention for 2 months period was imposed on B.A. as a measure of restraint.


Notice:  A person charged with any crime shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the RA Criminal Procedure Code—by the judgment came into legal force.